Our Own Church Management System @Mona!

Stay informed. Get Involved.

Get Ready. Help Out!

We are excited to announce that Mona will be implementing our very own church management system (ChMS). A tool that will help us to better serve one another. Our goal is to enhance common administrative tasks including keeping members informed about church activities, gathering information from visitors and managing volunteers and events.

We need your help

Our most immediate need is 2 or 3 volunteers for the "Visitor Welcome Team"

Why a ChMS?

Here are some of the ways we plan to use our Church Management System (ChMS)

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Breeze will make it easy to send announcements to our members using templates. This will save us time and ensure that our announcements are consistent and professional.


Up-to-date church directory

Breeze will allow us to create an updated digital church directory that is easy to search and navigate. This will help our members to connect with each other and stay informed about our church's activities.

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Simplified Administration

Breeze will make it easy to send announcements to our members using templates. This will save us time and ensure that our announcements are consistent and professional.

ChMS Implementation Strategy

Key Phases


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The Implemetation will be driven by constant communication with key

partipants (elders, committee leaders and other volunteers)

Need more information?

send an email to breeze@monachapel.org